Processions and street parties

There were many entertainments on the school’s doorstep. Sometimes the children had an official part.


When the school had its official opening in 1711, there was a church service, procession and a grand dinner in Drapers’ Hall, and the children were a part of the event.


Eight years later, the children of the school took part in Sir John Cass’s very grand funeral. “Fifty boys and forty girls of Aldgate, all singing, all dressed in mourning, and trophies” were at the head of the procession – Cass had left money in his will to pay for their special clothes.


At this time, politics was part of street life in the City, as were many entertainments. There were parades for May Day and at Whitsun, there were street fairs and markets, and there was the Lord Mayors Show every November. It is likely the children of the school took part in most of these.